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Bauer K, Lau T, Schwille-Kiuntke J, et al. Conventional weight loss interventions across the different BMI obesity classes: A systematic review and quantitative comparative analysis. Eur Eat Disord Rev 2020;28:492-512.

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term effects of lifestyle intervention or metformin on diabetes development and microvascular complications over 15-year follow-up: the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2015;3:866-875.

Juarascio A, Srivastava P, Presseller E, Clark K, Manasse S, Forman E. Authorship Correction: A Clinician-Controlled Just-in-time Adaptive Intervention System (CBT+) Designed to Promote Acquisition and Utilization of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills in Bulimia Nervosa: Development and Preliminary Evaluation Study. JMIR Form Res. 2021;5(7):e31964.

Pellegrini CA, Pfammatter AF, Conroy DE, et al. Smartphone applications to support weight loss: current perspectives. Adv Health Care Technol 2015;1:13-22.

Teixeira PJ, Carraça EV, Marques MM, et al. Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators. BMC Med 2015;13:84.

Varkevisser RDM, Van Straalen MM, Kroeze W, et al. Determinants of weight loss maintenance: a systematic review. Obes Rev 2019;20:171-211.